Replaces the old led mushroom bulb Dept 56 used to sell years ago to make the buildings flash.
To make bulbs flash the units have a special circuit boards which work in conjunction with leds
Dept 56 SPOOKY FARM HOUSE (56.55315) AND DEAD END MOTEL(56.55377) REPLACEMENT BULB C7 BASE WITH MAX VOLTAGE ON THESE UNITS AT 4.5VDC ,Use on these units only as this LED bulb has been selected for proper voltage and current rating . ( "THIS BULB IS NOT A 120V NIGHT LIGHT" "USING IN THIS APPLICATION WILL CAUSE A FIRE")
A/7HCUV/0397 Dept 56 Spooky Farm House & Dead End Motel bulb
SKU: 185062213163/186729748889